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Raih Efisiensi Bisnis dengan Outsourcing

Menjadi Mitra Terbaik dan Manfaatkan Tren Terbaru!

Outsourcing telah menjadi pilihan yang semakin populer bagi organisasi yang ingin meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bisnis mereka. Namun, sebelum memulai, penting untuk memahami manfaat outsourcing dan bagaimana menjadi mitra outsourcing yang baik.

Manfaat Outsourcing
Outsourcing dapat memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi organisasi, seperti penghematan biaya, akses ke keterampilan dan keahlian khusus, fleksibilitas dan skalabilitas yang lebih baik, serta peningkatan efisiensi. Namun, manfaat outsourcing dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kebutuhan dan situasi spesifik dari setiap organisasi.

Survey Deloitte Global Outsourcing 2022
Untuk memberikan wawasan tentang tren dan praktik terbaik dalam outsourcing, Deloitte melakukan survey dengan mengumpulkan input dari lebih dari 400 eksekutif dari berbagai industri dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Hasil survey ini memberikan beberapa pesan bermanfaat bagi organisasi yang ingin memanfaatkan outsourcing untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bisnis mereka.

Siapa Yang Mengisi Survey?
Survey Deloitte Global Outsourcing 2022 dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan input dari lebih dari 400 eksekutif dari berbagai industri dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Para partisipan survey ini termasuk eksekutif tingkat C-suite, pemimpin senior, dan manajer yang terlibat dalam keputusan dan strategi outsourcing di organisasi mereka.

Industri Apa Saja Yang Mengisi Survey?
Survey ini mencakup input dari eksekutif dari berbagai industri, termasuk teknologi, kesehatan, jasa keuangan, produk konsumen, dan energi. Survey ini bertujuan untuk menangkap wawasan dari berbagai industri dan wilayah di seluruh dunia.

Bagaimana Menjadi Mitra Outsourcing Yang Baik?
Menjadi mitra outsourcing yang baik membutuhkan kombinasi faktor, termasuk komunikasi yang jelas, kemampuan manajemen vendor yang kuat, dan fokus pada hasil daripada hanya penghematan biaya. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk menjadi mitra outsourcing yang baik:

  1. Tentukan tujuan yang jelas sebelum melaksanakan outsourcing.
  2. Pilih vendor yang tepat berdasarkan keahlian, pengalaman, dan kesesuaian budaya.
  3. Tetapkan saluran komunikasi yang jelas dan protokol dengan vendor Anda.
  4. Kembangkan kemampuan manajemen vendor yang kuat untuk memastikan kolaborasi dan keselarasan yang efektif.
  5. Fokus pada hasil untuk mendorong nilai dari hubungan outsourcing.

Beberapa pesan kunci dari Survey Deloitte Global Outsourcing 2022 meliputi kebutuhan akan pemikiran strategis dan kolaborasi yang efektif dalam hubungan outsourcing, pentingnya menemukan, mengembangkan, dan mempertahankan bakat dengan keterampilan yang tepat, serta munculnya model pengiriman dan opsi sourcing baru.

Outsourcing dapat memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi organisasi yang ingin meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bisnis mereka. Namun, penting untuk memahami manfaat outsourcing yang spesifik untuk organisasi Anda dan bagaimana menjadi mitra outsourcing yang baik. Survey Deloitte Global Outsourcing 2022 memberikan wawasan dan pesan bermanfaat bagi organisasi yang ingin memanfaatkan outsourcing untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis mereka. Dengan memperhatikan pesan kunci dari survey ini, organisasi dapat mengembangkan strategi outsourcing yang efektif dan relevan dengan kebutuhan bisnis mereka.

Outsourcing dan Strategi Sukses Memilih nya

Dalam era globalisasi dan persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat, perusahaan dituntut untuk lebih efisien dan fokus pada kompetensi inti mereka. Salah satu solusi yang kian populer adalah outsourcing atau alih daya. Untuk membahas lebih dalam mengenai topik ini, kami berguru kepada Bapak Achmad Ruky, seorang praktisi manajemen dan pakar bidang sumber daya manusia, yang memiliki pengalaman di berbagai perusahaan ternama seperti Goodyear Indonesia, Indofood Interna Corporation, Semen Cibinong, Mercedes Benz Group, dan Krakatau Steel. Beliau juga merupakan penulis produktif dan salah seorang pendiri Perhimpunan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia (PMSM Indonesia). Profile lengkap di LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/achmad-s-ruky-dr-mba-drs-12307454/

Berikut ini adalah lima poin penting yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Achmad Ruky dalam penjelasan ke kami mengenai outsourcing:

  1. Definisi dan Contoh Penerapan Outsourcing
    Outsourcing adalah suatu praktik dimana perusahaan memanfaatkan sumber daya, baik barang maupun jasa, dari pihak di luar perusahaan untuk mendukung operasional mereka. Tujuannya adalah agar perusahaan dapat fokus pada kegiatan inti dan lebih efisien. Contoh penerapan outsourcing meliputi desain produk, pengelolaan stok dan pergudangan, serta pengamanan.
  2. Keuntungan Menggunakan Outsourcing
    Salah satu keuntungan utama menggunakan outsourcing adalah time saving dan cost saving. Dengan mengalihdayakan pekerjaan yang tidak menjadi kompetensi inti, perusahaan dapat fokus pada hal-hal strategis yang lebih penting dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional mereka.
  3. Jenis Pekerjaan yang Bisa Di-Outsource
    Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 tahun 2020 dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 tahun 2021, hampir semua jenis pekerjaan bisa di-outsource atau dialihdayakan, tergantung pada kebutuhan sektor industri. Ini menciptakan peluang besar bagi perusahaan jasa outsourcing.
  4. Menjadi Perusahaan Outsourcing yang Tepat
    Untuk menjadi perusahaan outsourcing yang sukses, perusahaan harus dikelola secara profesional dan menampilkan integritas yang tinggi. Selain itu, perusahaan outsourcing harus memahami kebutuhan klien mereka secara spesifik dan menyediakan tenaga kerja yang kompeten serta bertanggung jawab.
  5. Pembagian Tanggung Jawab antara Perusahaan Pengguna dan Perusahaan Outsourcing
    Pembagian tanggung jawab harus jelas dalam kontrak antara perusahaan pengguna dan perusahaan outsourcing. Hal ini meliputi tanggung jawab atas kecelakaan di tempat kerja maupun dalam perjalanan menuju tempat kerja, serta pengelolaan pekerja yang ditempatkan.

Outsourcing merupakan solusi yang efektif bagi perusahaan dalam menghadapi tantangan globalisasi dan persaingan bisnis. Dengan memanfaatkan jasa outsourcing yang tepat, perusahaan dapat fokus pada kegiatan inti mereka, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan mencapai keberhasilan jangka panjang. Penting bagi perusahaan untuk memilih penyedia jasa outsourcing yang profesional dan memiliki integritas tinggi. Melalui penjelasan ini, Bapak Achmad Ruky berbagi wawasan berharga mengenai pentingnya outsourcing dan strategi sukses dalam memilih perusahaan penyedia jasa yang tepat. Kami berharap pembaca dan penonton dapat memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai topik ini dan menerapkan strategi yang tepat dalam bisnis mereka.

Saksikan penjelasan eksklusif Bapak Achmad Ruky, yang lebih detail dan memberikan panduan berharga bagi perusahaan yang ingin memanfaatkan outsourcing untuk mencapai keberhasilan jangka panjang.

Wing Antariksa: Bedah Outsourcing dari A sampai Z

Dalam era globalisasi dan persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat, perusahaan dituntut untuk lebih efisien dan efektif dalam mengelola sumber daya yang ada. Salah satu solusi yang telah terbukti berhasil adalah outsourcing (sumber). Untuk membahas lebih lanjut mengenai topik ini, kami menghadirkan penjelasan dari Bapak Wing Antariksa, seorang konsultan, praktisi, dan pengajar di bidang SDM yang memiliki pengalaman luas dalam berbagai perusahaan BUMN, swasta nasional, dan multinasional, seperti PAL, PTPN, ASDP, PGN, Telkomsel, Shell, IBM, Nokia, PwC, Ericsson, dan NEC. Profile lengkap Bapak Wing Antariksa di LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wing-antariksa-2059045/

Outsourcing adalah strategi yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk menyerahkan sebagian kegiatan bisnis non-inti kepada pihak ketiga yang lebih kompeten dalam bidang tersebut. Melalui outsourcing, perusahaan dapat fokus pada pengembangan bisnis inti dan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang dimiliki. Berikut ini adalah lima poin penting yang dijelaskan oleh Bapak Wing Antariksa terkait dengan outsourcing:

  1. Pengertian dan Manfaat Outsourcing
    Outsourcing adalah proses menyerahkan sebagian kegiatan bisnis non-inti kepada pihak ketiga yang lebih kompeten dalam bidang tersebut. Dengan menggunakan jasa outsourcing, perusahaan dapat fokus pada pengembangan bisnis inti, lebih kreatif, dan meningkatkan produktivitas.
  2. Perbedaan Job Supply dan Labour Supply
    Job supply merupakan bisnis proses yang di-outsource, sementara labour supply adalah penyediaan tenaga kerja. Dalam outsourcing, proses bisnis yang bukan core diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga, baik dalam bentuk job supply maupun labour supply.
  3. Pertimbangan Memilih Perusahaan Outsourcing
    Beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan ketika memilih perusahaan outsourcing antara lain: kesesuaian budget, kompetensi, track record, transparansi, dan kepercayaan. Selain itu, kredibilitas, compliance, kompetensi pekerja, dan scope pekerjaan juga harus menjadi pertimbangan.
  4. Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan Outsourcing
    Perusahaan outsourcing harus bertanggung jawab terhadap pengembangan karyawannya, termasuk biaya kesehatan dan pendidikan. Selain itu, mereka harus memastikan hak dan kewajiban karyawan terpenuhi serta memahami kebutuhan pasar dan bisnis mitra kerja.
  5. Kesimpulan: Pentingnya Bekerjasama dengan Perusahaan Outsourcing
    Dengan bekerjasama dengan perusahaan outsourcing, perusahaan dapat fokus pada bisnis inti dan menjadikan perusahaan outsourcing sebagai mitra strategis dalam pengembangan bisnis. Hal ini akan membantu perusahaan untuk lebih efisien dan efektif dalam mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki.

Sebagai penutup, kami mengajak Anda untuk menyimak video penjelasan oleh Bapak Wing Antariksa yang akan memberikan gambaran lebih detail mengenai konsep outsourcing dan bagaimana penerapannya dapat membantu perusahaan untuk berkembang lebih optimal dalam era persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Dapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang outsourcing, mulai dari pengertian, manfaat, hingga tips dalam memilih perusahaan outsourcing yang tepat sebagai mitra strategis dalam pengembangan bisnis Anda.

Dalam video ini, Bapak Wing Antariksa juga akan berbagi pengalaman dan contoh nyata dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah berhasil menerapkan konsep outsourcing dalam operasional mereka. Selain itu, beliau juga akan membahas mengenai peraturan pemerintah yang mengatur penerapan outsourcing di Indonesia, seperti PP 35 Tahun 2021, dan pentingnya komunikasi intens antara semua pihak terkait, termasuk asosiasi dan pemerintah, untuk menciptakan praktik outsourcing yang adil dan menguntungkan bagi semua pihak.

Kami percaya bahwa pemahaman yang baik mengenai konsep outsourcing akan membantu perusahaan untuk lebih siap dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa depan, serta memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada dengan lebih efektif. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk menyaksikan video penjelasan oleh Bapak Wing Antariksa ini dan mengambil langkah-langkah strategis dalam menerapkan konsep outsourcing dalam bisnis Anda.

Silakan tonton video penjelasan oleh Bapak Wing Antariksa untuk memperoleh wawasan yang lebih komprehensif mengenai outsourcing dan bagaimana penerapannya dapat menjadi kunci sukses dalam fokus pengembangan bisnis inti perusahaan Anda. Selamat menonton!


  1. Anwar, Sajid, Sizhong Sun and Abbas Valadkhani. “International outsourcing of skill intensive tasks and wage inequality.” Economic Modelling 31 (2013): 590-597.
  2. Duan, Chaojie, Varun Grover and Nagraj Balakrishnan. “Business Process Outsourcing: an event study on the nature of processes and firm valuation.” European Journal of Information Systems 18 (2009): 442-457.

Beyond outsourcing: Entering a new sourcing ecosystem

Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022

What is the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 is a comprehensive report that captures the perspectives of nearly 500 executives from global organizations, shedding light on the current trends and future outlook of outsourcing across various industries. (2020 Global Outsourcing Survey | Deloitte US)

This article uses Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 as a source of information, combine with general information that runs throughout the report. Here is some question that gets an answer from it:

  1. How do we evaluate outsourcing vendor performance?
  2. How we improve outsourcing vendor performance?
  3. How do we measure the cost saving of using outsourcing?

These are the question about the Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 to know about report.

Who are the respondents of the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022?

The respondents of the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 are executives from a range of industries and geographies. The survey did not provide a specific breakdown of the respondents by industry or geography, but it did note that the respondents represented a mix of large and mid-sized organizations across multiple sectors, including technology, financial services, healthcare, and manufacturing. The survey also noted that the respondents held a range of senior leadership positions within their organizations, including C-suite executives and heads of business units or functions.

What industry sectors are represented in the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 includes respondents from a range of industry sectors. While the survey did not provide a specific breakdown of the respondents by industry, it noted that the respondents represented a mix of large and mid-sized organizations across multiple sectors. These sectors include technology, financial services, healthcare, and manufacturing, among others. The survey aimed to gather insights on outsourcing trends and practices across industries and geographies to provide a comprehensive view of the outsourcing landscape.

What are the key findings of the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 provides several key findings on outsourcing trends and practices. Some of the key findings include:

  1. Finding, developing, and keeping the right talent with the right skills at the right price is more elusive than ever.
  2. Third-party delivery models continue evolving to unlock value: Operate Services.
  3. Cybersecurity and data and analytics are the top outsourcing priorities.
  4. Global in-house centers: Internal sourcing with intention is an alternative to third parties.
  5. Evolving from traditional vendor management to holistic ecosystem management.

The survey also notes that organizations are shifting their outsourcing priorities and needs from two years ago due to changes in technologies, ways of working, and borders expanding. The report provides insights into how organizations can navigate these changes to unlock the benefits of outsourcing services effectively.

After knowing the key findings of the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022, we want to understand how organizations can effectively navigate the changes in outsourcing. The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 provides several recommendations for organizations looking to navigate changes in outsourcing effectively.

These are some of the questions I looked to get answered from the survey report.

How do we evaluate outsourcing vendor performance?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 notes that evaluating outsourcing vendor performance is a critical component of successful outsourcing relationships. The report suggests several key performance indicators (KPIs) that organizations can use to evaluate vendor performance, including:

  1. Service level agreements (SLAs): SLAs are contractual agreements between the organization and the vendor that define the level of service expected from the vendor. Organizations can use SLAs to measure vendor performance against agreed-upon metrics.
  2. Quality metrics: Quality metrics can include measures such as defect rates, error rates, and customer satisfaction scores. These metrics can help organizations evaluate the quality of work delivered by the vendor.
  3. Cost savings: Cost savings are a common reason for outsourcing, and organizations should track actual cost savings achieved through outsourcing to evaluate vendor performance.
  4. Innovation: Vendors can bring new ideas and innovations to an organization, and organizations should track the number of new ideas generated by vendors as well as their impact on business outcomes.
  5. Relationship management: Strong relationships between organizations and vendors are critical for successful outsourcing relationships. Organizations should track factors such as communication effectiveness, issue resolution timeframes, and overall satisfaction with the relationship.

Overall, these KPIs can help organizations evaluate vendor performance across multiple dimensions and ensure that outsourcing relationships are delivering value to the organization.

How we improve outsourcing vendor performance?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 suggests several strategies that organizations can use to improve outsourcing vendor performance:

  1. Clearly define expectations: Organizations should clearly define their expectations for vendor performance and communicate these expectations to the vendor. This can include defining SLAs, quality metrics, and other KPIs that will be used to evaluate vendor performance.
  2. Establish regular communication: Regular communication between the organization and the vendor is critical for building a strong relationship and ensuring that issues are addressed promptly. Organizations should establish regular communication channels with vendors, such as weekly or monthly check-ins.
  3. Invest in vendor management capabilities: Effective vendor management capabilities are critical for successful outsourcing relationships. Organizations should invest in developing their vendor management capabilities, including skills such as contract negotiation, relationship management, and performance monitoring.
  4. Provide feedback: Providing feedback to vendors on their performance can help them improve their services and better meet the organization’s needs. Organizations should provide regular feedback to vendors on their performance, both positive and negative.
  5. Foster innovation: Vendors can bring new ideas and innovations to an organization, but this requires a culture of innovation within the organization as well. Organizations should foster a culture of innovation by encouraging new ideas from both internal and external sources.

Overall, these strategies can help organizations improve outsourcing vendor performance by setting clear expectations, establishing effective communication channels, investing in vendor management capabilities, providing feedback, and fostering innovation. By taking these steps, organizations can build strong outsourcing relationships that deliver value to the organization over time.

How do we measure the cost saving of using outsourcing?

The Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 suggests several ways that organizations can measure the cost savings of using outsourcing:

  1. Direct cost savings: Direct cost savings are the most straightforward way to measure the financial impact of outsourcing. Organizations can compare the cost of performing a function in-house versus outsourcing it to a vendor to determine the direct cost savings achieved through outsourcing.
  2. Indirect cost savings: Indirect cost savings can be more difficult to measure but can still have a significant impact on an organization’s bottom line. Indirect cost savings can include factors such as increased productivity, reduced cycle times, and improved quality that result from outsourcing.
  3. Opportunity costs: Opportunity costs refer to the benefits that an organization could have achieved by using its resources for other purposes instead of outsourcing. Organizations should consider opportunity costs when evaluating the financial impact of outsourcing.
  4. The total cost of ownership (TCO): TCO is a comprehensive approach to measuring the total costs associated with performing a function in-house versus outsourcing it to a vendor. TCO includes both direct and indirect costs as well as opportunity costs and other factors such as risk management and compliance.

Overall, these approaches can help organizations measure the financial impact of outsourcing and determine whether it is delivering value to the organization over time. By taking a comprehensive approach to measuring cost savings, organizations can make informed decisions about their outsourcing strategies and optimize their use of outsourcing services.


In conclusion, the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022 provides valuable insights into how organizations can optimize their outsourcing relationships. Measuring the financial impact of outsourcing is a critical part of this process, and the survey suggests several approaches for doing so. By carefully measuring the direct and indirect cost savings, along with considering opportunity costs and TCO, organizations can determine whether outsourcing is helping them achieve their business goals and delivering value over time.
The survey also highlights the importance of strong vendor relationships and effective contract management in achieving outsourcing success.
Overall, the survey emphasizes that outsourcing can be a powerful tool for organizations seeking to optimize their operations and achieve strategic goals.


TCO stands for Total Cost of Ownership. It is a comprehensive approach to measuring the total costs associated with performing a function in-house versus outsourcing it to a vendor. TCO includes both direct and indirect costs as well as opportunity costs and other factors such as risk management and compliance. By taking a TCO approach, organizations can gain a more complete understanding of the financial impact of outsourcing and make informed decisions about their outsourcing strategies.


2020 Global Outsourcing Survey | Deloitte US. Available at: https://www.deloitte.com/global/en/services/consulting/perspectives/gx-global-outsourcing-survey.html.

Unlock Outsourcing Potential: Cost Savings, Innovation & More

Short paper, 5-9 minutes reading
By: JD 20230327


Outsourcing by definition refers to the act of hiring a third-party company or individual to perform tasks or provide services that are typically done in-house. This can range from simple tasks such as data entry or customer service to more complex functions such as software development or financial analysis.

In recent years, the practice of outsourcing has become increasingly popular among businesses of various sizes and industries around the world.

This trend has been driven by a variety of factors, including globalization, advancements in technology, and increased competition. As businesses look to reduce costs and streamline operations, outsourcing has emerged as a viable solution.

The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive guide to outsourcing for businesses that are considering this strategy.

This guide will cover:

  1. the benefits and risks of outsourcing,
  2. how to select an outsourcing provider,
  3. best practices for managing an outsourced team, and
  4. strategies for maximizing the potential benefits of outsourcing while minimizing its risks.

Benefits of Outsourcing

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing is cost savings. Cost savings happened because outsourcing makes businesses focus on their core competencies and leave non-core functions to third-party providers who can perform them more efficiently with flexibility in resource management. (Berg et al., 2020)

With outsourcing businesses also can access the broader resources and expertise of the outsourcing provider, which may not be available in-house. And outsourcing also enables businesses to scale operations quickly and efficiently.

Meanwhile, there are also dissenting views on outsourcing, with some arguing that it can lead to the loss of jobs domestically and contribute to a decline in quality as control over certain functions may be diminished. However, research has shown that these concerns are often unfounded and may even be outweighed by the benefits of outsourcing. For example, a study by Deloitte found that outsourcing can lead to increased innovation and improved access to talent, which can contribute to long-term growth and competitiveness. (2020 Global Outsourcing Survey | Deloitte US, n.d)

Furthermore, outsourcing can help businesses to improve their operational efficiency by allowing them to refocus resources on core functions. In turn, this can help businesses to become more agile and responsive to market changes.

Challenges and risks of outsourcing

Despite the numerous potential advantages of outsourcing, there are also several challenges and risks that businesses should consider before pursuing this strategy.

One of the risks of outsourcing is a loss of control over certain functions. (Ejechi & Oshodin, 2019) This is because outsourcing requires businesses to transfer some of their operations to a third-party provider, which may limit the level of control that the business can exert over these functions. Additionally, outsourcing may create cultural and communication barriers that can hinder effective collaboration between the business and the outsourcing provider. Moreover, outsourcing may expose businesses to regulatory and legal risks regarding privacy and data protection. Therefore, it is important for businesses to carefully evaluate potential outsourcing providers and establish clear contractual agreements that outline key performance metrics and quality standards. Data and information security is a critical challenge associated with outsourcing.

Successful outsourcing strategies

Successful outsourcing strategies require businesses to carefully evaluate potential providers and establish clear communication channels that promote effective collaboration.

Determining outsourcing goals and scope is a crucial first step in developing a successful outsourcing strategy. This involves identifying which functions to outsource, the desired outcomes of outsourcing, and how these outcomes will be measured.

Choosing the right service provider is also a critical factor in successful outsourcing. Businesses should evaluate a range of factors when selecting an outsourcing provider, including their experience, reputation, and ability to deliver high-quality services.

Additionally, businesses should consider the outsourcing provider’s cultural fit and shared values to ensure that both parties are aligned in terms of goals and expectations.

Managing effective relationships and communication is crucial to successful outsourcing. This involves establishing regular communication channels, such as weekly or monthly updates and progress reports. (6 Steps for Building a Successful Outsourcing Strategy | BXGI, n.d)

Performance evaluation and periodic adjustment of the outsourcing strategy are also important. Clear performance metrics and quality standards should be established to ensure that the outsourcing provider is meeting expectations, and any issues or concerns should be addressed promptly. Regular performance assessments can help businesses maintain the value and effectiveness of their outsourcing partnerships over time. (Pellicelli, 2018)

Case study: Example of a company successfully using outsourcing


IBM is a global technology company that specializes in software, hardware, and services. With over 350,000 employees worldwide and a presence in over 170 countries, IBM is one of the largest and most established firms in the technology industry.

As part of its global operations, IBM has successfully used outsourcing to manage certain business functions. For example, IBM has outsourced its IT infrastructure management to companies such as Wipro and HCL Technologies. By doing so, IBM has been able to reduce costs and increase the efficiency and management of its IT infrastructure while also focusing on its core business operations. (Wipro and IBM Global Partnership – IBM Alliance – Partner Ecosystem, n.d)

Outsourcing process carried out:
To successfully implement its outsourcing strategy, IBM followed several key steps. First, IBM identified the specific business functions that would benefit from outsourcing. This involved a detailed analysis of the costs, benefits, and risks associated with each function.IBM then evaluated a range of potential outsourcing providers based on their experience, reputation, ability to deliver high-quality services and cultural fit. IBM selected Wipro and HCL Technologies as outsourcing providers for its IT infrastructure management function based on their ability to meet IBM’s high standards for quality of services, technical expertise, and their cost-effectiveness.

Archived result:
The outsourcing of IT infrastructure management to Wipro and HCL Technologies enabled IBM to achieve significant cost savings while also improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. Additionally, outsourcing allowed IBM to focus on its core business operations and leverage the expertise of specialized providers in IT infrastructure management. This successful implementation of outsourcing demonstrates the potential benefits that outsourcing can bring to businesses, including cost savings, increased efficiency and focus on core operations.


Syngenta, a global agribusiness company, is another example of a business that has successfully used outsourcing to drive growth and innovation. Syngenta had initially relied on in-house research and development (R&D) to drive innovation in the agribusiness sector. However, as the industry became more competitive and technologically advanced, Syngenta realized it needed to expand its R&D capabilities.(Research and development | Syngenta, n.d)

Outsourcing process carried out:
To achieve this, Syngenta partnered with Accenture to establish a global R&D network that would centralize its research efforts and optimize its innovation processes. Accenture was responsible for managing the network, which entailed integrating Syngenta’s existing R&D infrastructure with that of its external partners to create

Archived result:
a collaborative and efficient platform for innovation. As a result of this outsourcing partnership, Syngenta was able to streamline its R&D processes and accelerate its development timelines. This outsourcing partnership also enabled Syngenta to leverage Accenture’s expertise in research and development, as well as its knowledge of emerging technologies and market trends, to create a more innovative and competitive R&D infrastructure.

Trends and future of outsourcing

The influence of technology and digitalization has been a major trend in outsourcing and is likely to continue shaping the future of outsourcing. The increasing prevalence and advancement of digital technologies have facilitated remote work and collaboration, making outsourcing more accessible and efficient. (How Technology Has Changed Outsourcing – Impact Hub, n.d)

More and more companies are realizing the importance of focusing on their core business functions and outsourcing peripheral activities to specialized providers. This shift in business models and practices has not only led to cost savings but also allowed businesses to access specialized expertise and technology that they may not have otherwise been able to afford or develop in-house. This trend is expected to continue in the future, as businesses seek to stay competitive by leveraging the expertise and technology of specialized outsourcing providers (Ji, 2016). Additionally, environmental and social considerations are expected to become increasingly important in outsourcing decisions. As the world becomes more conscious of sustainability and social responsibility, businesses are expected to prioritize selecting outsourcing partners that align with their values and contribute positively to society through their outsourcing partnerships. (Trushchenko et al., 2019)


Outsourcing should be viewed as a strategic decision that requires careful evaluation and planning. Before embarking on outsourcing, businesses should assess their needs and capabilities, evaluate potential providers based on factors such as cost, expertise, and reputation, establish clear communication channels and define expectations and deliverables, as well as establish metrics for evaluating the success of the outsourcing partnership. By following these steps, businesses can make informed outsourcing decisions that align with their strategic goals and contribute to their overall success.

Successful outsourcing strategies require careful evaluation of potential providers, clear communication, and regular performance assessments. Case studies of companies such as IBM and Syngenta demonstrate the potential benefits of outsourcing in improving operational efficiency and driving innovation. The future of outsourcing is expected to continue to be shaped by technology and a focus on core business functions, as well as increasing considerations for environmental and social responsibility. Overall, outsourcing can be a valuable strategy for businesses if implemented effectively and with careful consideration of its potential benefits and risks.


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