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Unlock Outsourcing Potential: Cost Savings, Innovation & More

Short paper, 5-9 minutes reading
By: JD 20230327


Outsourcing by definition refers to the act of hiring a third-party company or individual to perform tasks or provide services that are typically done in-house. This can range from simple tasks such as data entry or customer service to more complex functions such as software development or financial analysis.

In recent years, the practice of outsourcing has become increasingly popular among businesses of various sizes and industries around the world.

This trend has been driven by a variety of factors, including globalization, advancements in technology, and increased competition. As businesses look to reduce costs and streamline operations, outsourcing has emerged as a viable solution.

The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive guide to outsourcing for businesses that are considering this strategy.

This guide will cover:

  1. the benefits and risks of outsourcing,
  2. how to select an outsourcing provider,
  3. best practices for managing an outsourced team, and
  4. strategies for maximizing the potential benefits of outsourcing while minimizing its risks.

Benefits of Outsourcing

One of the primary benefits of outsourcing is cost savings. Cost savings happened because outsourcing makes businesses focus on their core competencies and leave non-core functions to third-party providers who can perform them more efficiently with flexibility in resource management. (Berg et al., 2020)

With outsourcing businesses also can access the broader resources and expertise of the outsourcing provider, which may not be available in-house. And outsourcing also enables businesses to scale operations quickly and efficiently.

Meanwhile, there are also dissenting views on outsourcing, with some arguing that it can lead to the loss of jobs domestically and contribute to a decline in quality as control over certain functions may be diminished. However, research has shown that these concerns are often unfounded and may even be outweighed by the benefits of outsourcing. For example, a study by Deloitte found that outsourcing can lead to increased innovation and improved access to talent, which can contribute to long-term growth and competitiveness. (2020 Global Outsourcing Survey | Deloitte US, n.d)

Furthermore, outsourcing can help businesses to improve their operational efficiency by allowing them to refocus resources on core functions. In turn, this can help businesses to become more agile and responsive to market changes.

Challenges and risks of outsourcing

Despite the numerous potential advantages of outsourcing, there are also several challenges and risks that businesses should consider before pursuing this strategy.

One of the risks of outsourcing is a loss of control over certain functions. (Ejechi & Oshodin, 2019) This is because outsourcing requires businesses to transfer some of their operations to a third-party provider, which may limit the level of control that the business can exert over these functions. Additionally, outsourcing may create cultural and communication barriers that can hinder effective collaboration between the business and the outsourcing provider. Moreover, outsourcing may expose businesses to regulatory and legal risks regarding privacy and data protection. Therefore, it is important for businesses to carefully evaluate potential outsourcing providers and establish clear contractual agreements that outline key performance metrics and quality standards. Data and information security is a critical challenge associated with outsourcing.

Successful outsourcing strategies

Successful outsourcing strategies require businesses to carefully evaluate potential providers and establish clear communication channels that promote effective collaboration.

Determining outsourcing goals and scope is a crucial first step in developing a successful outsourcing strategy. This involves identifying which functions to outsource, the desired outcomes of outsourcing, and how these outcomes will be measured.

Choosing the right service provider is also a critical factor in successful outsourcing. Businesses should evaluate a range of factors when selecting an outsourcing provider, including their experience, reputation, and ability to deliver high-quality services.

Additionally, businesses should consider the outsourcing provider’s cultural fit and shared values to ensure that both parties are aligned in terms of goals and expectations.

Managing effective relationships and communication is crucial to successful outsourcing. This involves establishing regular communication channels, such as weekly or monthly updates and progress reports. (6 Steps for Building a Successful Outsourcing Strategy | BXGI, n.d)

Performance evaluation and periodic adjustment of the outsourcing strategy are also important. Clear performance metrics and quality standards should be established to ensure that the outsourcing provider is meeting expectations, and any issues or concerns should be addressed promptly. Regular performance assessments can help businesses maintain the value and effectiveness of their outsourcing partnerships over time. (Pellicelli, 2018)

Case study: Example of a company successfully using outsourcing


IBM is a global technology company that specializes in software, hardware, and services. With over 350,000 employees worldwide and a presence in over 170 countries, IBM is one of the largest and most established firms in the technology industry.

As part of its global operations, IBM has successfully used outsourcing to manage certain business functions. For example, IBM has outsourced its IT infrastructure management to companies such as Wipro and HCL Technologies. By doing so, IBM has been able to reduce costs and increase the efficiency and management of its IT infrastructure while also focusing on its core business operations. (Wipro and IBM Global Partnership – IBM Alliance – Partner Ecosystem, n.d)

Outsourcing process carried out:
To successfully implement its outsourcing strategy, IBM followed several key steps. First, IBM identified the specific business functions that would benefit from outsourcing. This involved a detailed analysis of the costs, benefits, and risks associated with each function.IBM then evaluated a range of potential outsourcing providers based on their experience, reputation, ability to deliver high-quality services and cultural fit. IBM selected Wipro and HCL Technologies as outsourcing providers for its IT infrastructure management function based on their ability to meet IBM’s high standards for quality of services, technical expertise, and their cost-effectiveness.

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The outsourcing of IT infrastructure management to Wipro and HCL Technologies enabled IBM to achieve significant cost savings while also improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. Additionally, outsourcing allowed IBM to focus on its core business operations and leverage the expertise of specialized providers in IT infrastructure management. This successful implementation of outsourcing demonstrates the potential benefits that outsourcing can bring to businesses, including cost savings, increased efficiency and focus on core operations.


Syngenta, a global agribusiness company, is another example of a business that has successfully used outsourcing to drive growth and innovation. Syngenta had initially relied on in-house research and development (R&D) to drive innovation in the agribusiness sector. However, as the industry became more competitive and technologically advanced, Syngenta realized it needed to expand its R&D capabilities.(Research and development | Syngenta, n.d)

Outsourcing process carried out:
To achieve this, Syngenta partnered with Accenture to establish a global R&D network that would centralize its research efforts and optimize its innovation processes. Accenture was responsible for managing the network, which entailed integrating Syngenta’s existing R&D infrastructure with that of its external partners to create

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a collaborative and efficient platform for innovation. As a result of this outsourcing partnership, Syngenta was able to streamline its R&D processes and accelerate its development timelines. This outsourcing partnership also enabled Syngenta to leverage Accenture’s expertise in research and development, as well as its knowledge of emerging technologies and market trends, to create a more innovative and competitive R&D infrastructure.

Trends and future of outsourcing

The influence of technology and digitalization has been a major trend in outsourcing and is likely to continue shaping the future of outsourcing. The increasing prevalence and advancement of digital technologies have facilitated remote work and collaboration, making outsourcing more accessible and efficient. (How Technology Has Changed Outsourcing – Impact Hub, n.d)

More and more companies are realizing the importance of focusing on their core business functions and outsourcing peripheral activities to specialized providers. This shift in business models and practices has not only led to cost savings but also allowed businesses to access specialized expertise and technology that they may not have otherwise been able to afford or develop in-house. This trend is expected to continue in the future, as businesses seek to stay competitive by leveraging the expertise and technology of specialized outsourcing providers (Ji, 2016). Additionally, environmental and social considerations are expected to become increasingly important in outsourcing decisions. As the world becomes more conscious of sustainability and social responsibility, businesses are expected to prioritize selecting outsourcing partners that align with their values and contribute positively to society through their outsourcing partnerships. (Trushchenko et al., 2019)


Outsourcing should be viewed as a strategic decision that requires careful evaluation and planning. Before embarking on outsourcing, businesses should assess their needs and capabilities, evaluate potential providers based on factors such as cost, expertise, and reputation, establish clear communication channels and define expectations and deliverables, as well as establish metrics for evaluating the success of the outsourcing partnership. By following these steps, businesses can make informed outsourcing decisions that align with their strategic goals and contribute to their overall success.

Successful outsourcing strategies require careful evaluation of potential providers, clear communication, and regular performance assessments. Case studies of companies such as IBM and Syngenta demonstrate the potential benefits of outsourcing in improving operational efficiency and driving innovation. The future of outsourcing is expected to continue to be shaped by technology and a focus on core business functions, as well as increasing considerations for environmental and social responsibility. Overall, outsourcing can be a valuable strategy for businesses if implemented effectively and with careful consideration of its potential benefits and risks.


  1. Berg, P., Olstad, B. H., Berg, P. R., & Kjendlie, P.. (2020, December 22). Outsourcing Swimming Education—Experiences and Challenges. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010006
  2. Iqbal, Z., & Dad, A. M.. (2013, July 1). Outsourcing: A Review of Trends, Winners & Losers and Future Directions. ResearchGate, 4(10). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292623462_Outsourcing_A_Review_of_Trends_Winners_Losers_and_Future_Directions
  3. 2020 Global Outsourcing Survey | Deloitte US. (n.d). https://www.deloitte.com/an/en/services/consulting/perspectives/gx-global-outsourcing-survey.html
  4. Ejechi, J. O., & Oshodin, E. A.. (2019, June 27). Business Process Outsourcing Strategy on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v9-i6/5987
  5. 6 Steps for Building a Successful Outsourcing Strategy | BXGI. (n.d). https://bxgi.com/insights/6-steps-for-building-a-successful-outsourcing-strategy
  6. Pellicelli, M.. (2018, May 22). Gaining Flexibility and Innovation through Offshore Outsourcing. Sustainability, 10(5), 1672. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10051672
  7. Wipro and IBM Global Partnership – IBM Alliance – Partner Ecosystem. (n.d). https://www.wipro.com/partner-ecosystem/ibm-alliance/
  8. Research and development | Syngenta. (n.d). https://www.syngenta.com/en/innovation-agriculture/research-and-development
  9. How Technology Has Changed Outsourcing – Impact Hub. (n.d). http://impacthub.org/resources/blog/how-technology-has-changed-outsourcing-3/
  10. Ji, S.. (2016, January 1). Human Resource Outsourcing and Risk Management for SMEs. https://doi.org/10.2991/mcei-16.2016.23
  11. Trushchenko, I. V., Maloletko, A. N., & Kaurova, O. V.. (2019, January 1). Outsourcing in the organization of global business services. https://doi.org/10.2991/icsdcbr-19.2019.66

Belajar dari Happy5: Transformasi Budaya Organisasi

Penggunaaan teknologi dengan alasan dan tujuan yang tepat sangat memberikan manfaat kepada organisasi. Meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi organisasi bisnis.

Baru-baru ini, di awal bulan Maret 2020, saya berkesempatan berbicara banyak dengan founder dari Happy5.

Sebelum lebih lanjut saya bercerita, mari kita mulai dengan membahas apa itu Happy5. Menurut pendapat saya, produk dari Happy5 ini sangat sangat sangat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi proses task management dan feedback. Silakan mengunjungi website mereka untuk mengetahui lebih banyak. 

Pada saat saya ketemu dengan Doni Priliandi, yang adalah founder dari Happy5 ini, saya tidak perlu waktu seharian untuk menerima penjelasan mengenai produk yang memanfaatkan teknologi ini. 

Kami awali dengan makan siang. Pada saat makan kami sama sekali belum mulai membicarakan mengenai Happy5. Kami menikmati makan siang kami, sambil silaturahmi. Pembicaraan detail agak kurang pas kalau disampaikan di sini, akan banyak kalimat yang harus disensor. Intinya, saya dan Doni bicara banyak hal, sebagai teman yang sudah lama tidak berjumpa. 

Kami sudah sering bertemu, tapi pertemuan yang kali ini berbeda. Saya punya rasa penasaran untuk mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai produk Happy5 yang dimiliki Doni. Karena saat ini banyak perusahaan besar yang sudah menggunakan produknya. 

Jadi saya mulai agak memaksa untuk minta dijelaskan lebih banyak. Dan saya yakin Doni sangat tersiksa. Kenapa? Karena saya minta dijelaskan pada saat kami baru selesai makan siang, kenyang dan ngantuk. Tapi kalau tidak memberikan solusi ya bukan Doni namanya. Di perjalanan dari tempat makan siang ke kantornya Doni, saya dijelaskan, sambil kami berdua menguap beberapa kali. Tetap esensi diskusi tidak hilang. 

Satu kalimat sebagai kesimpulan penjelasan Doni adalah Culture Transformation Enabler. Happy5 ini adalah infrastruktur yang tepat untuk organisasi bisnis melaksanakan perubahan culture. Bisa mengukur dan menganalisa.

Tiba di Menara Astra. Menuju kantor Happy5.

Tiba di kantor Happy5, tepatnya di WeWork, Menara Astra, kami masih asik ngobrol. Saya menikmati suasana kantor Happy5. Di situ saya bertemu dua orang yang membuat saya terkesan. Mereka adalah CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) dan CTO (Chief Technology Officer). Menariknya, di kantor Doni saya tidak disambut seperti tamu baru, malahan dianggap seperti anggota tim mereka. Budaya yang menurut saya sangat tepat untuk Happy5. Jadi saya banyaaaaaak belajar, iya a nya banyak, saking banyaknya. Saya mendengarkan diskusi CEO yang adalah Doni sendiri, CRO dan CTO yang sangat dinamis, santai dan bikin saya “Ooo meeting bisa juga sepert ini ya?” 

Kantor Happy5.

Sudah mau pulang. Masih sempatkan foto lagi.

Waktu saya harus berakhir karena Doni juga harus urus tiket untuk jadwal terbang ke San Fransisco.

Untuk Anda, pembaca, yang tertarik untuk mengenal lebih banyak tentang Happy5. Silakan kunjungi website mereka. Atau hubungi saya, akan saya sambungkan ke mereka.

Saat ini beberapa pengguna Happy5 antara lain adalah BCA, dan salah satu perusahaan rokok multinasional serta masih banyak lainnya. 

Terakhir, pas sudah banyak mengerti tentang produk Doni. Di perjalanan pulang dari kantor Doni, saya gowes sambil mikir “Kemana aja aku selama ini? Doni bisa bikin produk yang bersaing di Silicon Valley, sementara saya… ?” Ini bukan curhat, ini pengingat yang bagus. 

Sukses terus Doni dan Happy5 nya. Saya bangga.

Happy5 punya dua produk:

  1. Happy5 Culture. Digunakan untuk jadi Culture Transformation Enabler. Company social media + Employee recognition + Employee Survey. Cara baru bagi perusahaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan ribuan karyawannya dimana saat ini email, wag, poster kurang efektif dan kurang efisien untuk mass engagement. Happy5 is utilized to share and scale messages, role modeling, examples, of value demonstration. At the same time, companies have access to get real time insights from their employees.
  2. Happy5 Performance. Agile Performance Management Platform. Tidak hanya digunakan untuk performance review cycle saja tetapi bisa untuk menentukan tindakan perbaikan prioritas perusahaan dengan adanya real time visibility dari goal alignment dan progressnya.

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