Aug 27, 2024 | Artikel
Dalam dunia kerja yang serba cepat, kita sering kali terjebak dalam arus tugas-tugas yang mendesak. Ada panggilan telepon yang harus dijawab, email yang harus dibalas, dan meeting yang harus dihadiri. Namun, di tengah hiruk-pikuk itu, apakah kita benar-benar meluangkan waktu untuk hal-hal yang benar-benar penting?
Stephen Covey, dalam bukunya The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, mengajarkan kepada kita pentingnya prinsip “First Things First.” Prinsip ini menekankan bahwa kita harus mengutamakan apa yang penting dalam hidup, bahkan jika itu tidak mendesak. Covey mengelompokkan aktivitas kita ke dalam empat kuadran:
- Penting dan Mendesak: Krisis dan masalah mendesak yang perlu diselesaikan segera.
- Penting tapi Tidak Mendesak: Aktivitas yang berkontribusi pada tujuan jangka panjang dan pengembangan pribadi.
- Tidak Penting tapi Mendesak: Gangguan dan interupsi yang sering kali datang dari luar.
- Tidak Penting dan Tidak Mendesak: Aktivitas yang membuang waktu dan tidak memberikan nilai tambah.
Sayangnya, banyak dari kita yang terjebak di kuadran ketiga, menghabiskan waktu untuk hal-hal yang tampak mendesak namun sebenarnya tidak penting. Akibatnya, hal-hal yang penting tapi tidak mendesak—seperti perencanaan strategis, pengembangan keterampilan, dan membangun hubungan yang bermakna—terabaikan.

Mengapa Kita Terjebak?
Terkadang, kita merasa bahwa menyelesaikan hal-hal mendesak memberikan kepuasan instan—perasaan bahwa kita produktif. Namun, produktivitas tidak selalu berarti efektivitas. Menyelesaikan banyak tugas kecil mungkin membuat kita merasa sibuk, tapi apakah itu membawa kita lebih dekat pada tujuan utama kita?
Bagaimana Memprioritaskan yang Penting?
- Evaluasi Aktivitas Anda: Luangkan waktu untuk memetakan aktivitas harian Anda ke dalam empat kuadran Covey. Ini akan membantu Anda mengenali di mana Anda menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu dan energi Anda.
- Buat Rencana: Prioritaskan aktivitas di kuadran kedua. Mulailah dengan membuat rencana harian atau mingguan yang memasukkan aktivitas penting namun tidak mendesak.
- Belajar untuk Mengatakan “Tidak”: Tidak semua hal mendesak harus segera ditangani. Belajarlah untuk mengatakan “tidak” pada gangguan yang tidak penting, dan fokuskan energi Anda pada apa yang benar-benar penting.
Mengutamakan hal yang penting di atas hal yang mendesak tidak hanya akan membuat Anda lebih efektif, tetapi juga lebih puas dalam pekerjaan dan kehidupan pribadi Anda. Dengan menerapkan prinsip “First Things First,” Anda tidak hanya akan menjadi lebih produktif, tetapi juga lebih proaktif dalam mencapai tujuan jangka panjang.
Semoga artikel ini menjadi sebuah “refresh” positif bagi Anda, mengingatkan kita semua untuk selalu fokus pada apa yang benar-benar penting, dan bukan sekadar mendesak.
- Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989): Buku ini memperkenalkan konsep “First Things First” yang menekankan pentingnya memprioritaskan hal-hal yang penting daripada yang mendesak. Habit ketiga dari Covey ini adalah dasar dari Covey’s Time Management Matrix yang digunakan untuk membagi tugas-tugas berdasarkan urgensi dan kepentingannya.
- Quidlo Blog: “Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix – 4 Quadrants”: Artikel ini memberikan penjelasan detail tentang empat kuadran dari Covey’s Time Management Matrix, dan bagaimana menerapkannya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan keseimbangan kerja-hidup. Sumber.
- Mapien Blog: “Get Priorities Straight With Covey’s Time Management Matrix”: Blog ini membahas pentingnya memprioritaskan tugas yang penting dan bagaimana Covey’s Time Management Matrix bisa membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik. Sumber(Mapien).
Aug 24, 2024 | Artikel
In today’s global market, many companies face stiff competition and must be creative to remain profitable. One practice that helps companies save on production costs is outsourcing, which involves contracting out some of a company’s business functions to third-party vendors or service providers.
Labor supply is one of the practices that fall under outsourcing. Labor supply involves hiring employees from a third-party vendor or service provider rather than directly hiring them as part of the company’s workforce. This means that a company can contract out some of its mundane or non-core business functions, such as data entry or customer service, to a third-party labor provider, who then hires and manages employees to carry out the tasks.
The differences between outsourcing and labor supply
Outsourcing typically involves hiring a third-party vendor to provide a range of services, while labor supply specifically refers to the practice of contracting out employees from a third-party labor provider. (Amusan, L. et al., 2022)
Labor supply can be considered a subcategory of outsourcing, as it specifically involves the hiring of labor rather than outsourcing a broader range of business functions. (Guerrón-Quintana, P. and Jinnai, R., 2019)
However, outsourcing can also include the contracting out of specialized services such as IT or accounting. In any case, outsourcing and labor supply are both strategies that allow companies to save on production costs while maintaining focus on their core competencies. Labor supply can be a particularly effective outsourcing practice in situations where companies need to quickly scale up or down their workforce, as third-party labor providers can provide flexibility in terms of the number of employees they can hire or lay off based on a client company’s needs.
Which one is more beneficial for the organization
Whether outsourcing or labor supply is more beneficial for an organization depends on various factors such as the size of the company, the nature of its operations, and the company’s specific goals and objectives. Ultimately, it is up to each organization to carefully evaluate its needs and consider the costs and benefits of outsourcing (Suklan, J., Kavčič, K. and Milost, F., 2016)versus labor supply to determine which strategy will be most effective for achieving its desired outcomes.
The strengths and weakness of outsourcing
The strengths of outsourcing are numerous, including the ability to reduce costs, access specialized expertise and technology, improve efficiencies and productivity, and ultimately enhance competitiveness.
One of the main weaknesses of outsourcing, however, is that it can be difficult to maintain quality control and ensure consistent standards when dealing with third-party vendors.
The strengths and weaknesses of labor supply
The strengths of labor supply include the ability to quickly and easily scale up or down a company’s workforce based on changing needs, as well as the flexibility to negotiate contracts with third-party labor providers. However, one of the main weaknesses is a lack of control over employee training and development, as well as potential issues around worker engagement and loyalty when there is a lack of direct employment relationship between workers and the client company.
Analysis steps before deciding on outsourcing or labor supply
Before deciding whether to pursue outsourcing or labor supply as a strategy, companies need to conduct a careful analysis of their operations and evaluate factors such as the level of demand for their products or services, the availability of skilled labor in their industry and geographic location, as well as cost considerations such as taxes and wages. It is important to also consider potential risks and challenges associated with each approach, such as legal and regulatory issues, language barriers in offshore outsourcing, and communication challenges when coordinating with third-party labor suppliers in a global supply chain.
In summary, labor supply is a form of outsourcing that can provide significant advantages for companies in terms of flexibility and cost savings.
However, it is crucial for organizations to carefully consider the potential strengths and weaknesses of both outsourcing and labor supply before implementing a specific strategy. It is recommended that companies conduct a thorough analysis of their business needs and thoroughly research potential vendors before engaging in outsourcing or labor supply.
Amusan, L. et al. (2022) “Re-strengthening the Adoption of Outsourcing Concept in Construction Firms: Issues and Challenges,” Iop Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 1054(1),p. 012044. Available at:
Guerrón-Quintana, P. and Jinnai, R. (2019) “Financial frictions, trends, and the great recession,” Quantitative Economics, 10(2),p. 735-773. Available at:
Suklan, J., Kavčič, K. and Milost, F. (2016) “Outsourcing Logistics Activities: Evidence from Slovenia,” Promet – Traffic&transportation, 28(6),p. 575-581. Available at:
Danzer, A., Feuerbaum, C. and Gaessler, F. (2020) “Labor Supply and Automation Innovation,” SSRN Journal, 20(09),p. 68. Available at: